On Monday 24 March 2008, Doug Goldstein wrote:
> Doug Goldstein wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > This is a formal notice to everyone that OpenRC will be hitting the
> > Gentoo tree sooner rather then later. I would like to see *ALL* arch
> > teams give the current code a whirl on their systems, which is
> > available via the layman module "openrc".
> >
> > I would also like to give the docs team a chance to weigh in here and
> > work with me on a migration guide as well as any necessary updates.
> >
> > That being said, I will be the primary point of contact on the
> > transition to OpenRC appearing in ~arch (along with it's associated
> > baselayout-2.0.0 ebuild). Any and all grievances, concerns,
> > suggestions and comments can and should be routed to me via the
> > associated Bugzilla entries or e-mail.
> >
> > I do not want OpenRC to come as a surprise to anyone and break their
> > system. I expect we will leave no stone unturned and go for a very
> > smooth transition.
> >
> > That being said, the bug for the addition of OpenRC is #212696 [1].
> > The bug for the documentation is #213988 [2].
> >
> > Lastly, I will be out of town March 21st through March 23rd. I will
> > not have IRC access but I will have e-mail and Bugzilla access.
> >
> > https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=212696
> > https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=213988
> It appears my migration plan was not good enough for Mike Frysinger
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and he went ahead and wrote his own version of the
> OpenRC ebuild, differing from the one in the OpenRC layman repo, and
> committed it to the tree this weekend.
> Since my offer to work on the migration was not good enough for him, I'm
> backing out and allowing him to handle the whole migration himself since
> I haven't heard from him at all despite Roy (author of OpenRC) and my
> attempts to contact him for 2 weeks regarding a migration plan for
> OpenRC. All issues and comments can be directed to him.
> I guess working together and documenting everything before having it hit
> the tree was a bad plan and it had to be one-upped.
not sure why you're getting pissy.  but let's put some things straight shall 

- the ebuild in question was from the layman repo.  i changed things of course 
because it didnt cover all upgrade pieces, had obvious style problems, and 
did some things wrongly.
- i'd been poking openrc on my system long before "this weekend".
- only pinging people on irc does not constitute real effort.  we have e-mail 
addresses too last i checked.
- the package is still p.masked and de-keyworded.  nothing precludes you from 
working on it.  or writing docs.  or doing anything else you're talking about 
- and no, i dont have a problem sticking masked/de-keyworded things in the 
tree.  people test things then.

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