On Friday 14 March 2008 12:14:39 Petteri Räty wrote:
> David Leverton kirjoitti:
> > Maybe worth adding a dummy to the current version of the eclass so that
> > ebuilds can be updated now, instead of suddenly all at once as soon as
> > the new eclass is committed?
> And break a bunch of ebuilds to stable users. No thanks.

Hmm?  I don't see how this would break anything... unless you mean that 
exporting the dummy function would overwrite one that actually does something 
important, but that's easily worked around by not exporting it until the 
ebuilds are fixed, as far as I can tell.  In any case, not doing anything 
until the new eclass is committed is going to break ebuilds until they're 
updated to call the new function, whether stable or ~arch.
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