Hi all, Here is the summary from today's council meeting. The complete log will show up at http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/council/ shortly.
Thanks, Donnie
Roll call ========= (here, proxy [by whom] or slacker?) amne here betelgeuse here dberkholz slacker [39 minutes late] flameeyes here lu_zero here vapier here jokey here Updates to last month's topics ============================== http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/council/meeting-logs/20080214-summary.txt Document of being an active developer ------------------------------------- No updates Slacker arches -------------- 2 months ago: vapier will work on rich0's suggestion and repost it for discussion on -dev ML Updates: vapier said he was going to work on it this weekend. GLEP 46: Allow upstream tags in metadata.xml -------------------------------------------- http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/glep/glep-0046.html Last month: Caveat on approval about allowed protocols Updates: No updates; no authors present EAPI=0 ------ Last month: Halcy0n was working on it Updates: Ciaran has been contributing and has committed quite a few things. Halcy0n hopes to work on it in the next couple of weeks. He informed us that Ciaran said when he finishes the environment tables, EAPI=0 is probably a week of solid work from having a draft for review. Halcy0n wasn't around when the topic came up, so the above info was from after the meeting. New topics ========== Summer of Code -------------- Should Gentoo devs be allowed to participate? GNOME's policy is that they favor people who haven't contributed before, but they will accept great projects from contributors. Decision: Council members will become additional SoC admins, and will serve as tiebreaker votes if they aren't actively participating in SoC project selection. Decision: Gentoo SoC admins will decide whether non-contributors should be favored over contributors. Package maintainers ------------------- Proposed by killerx (anant) Decision: We'll promote proxy-maintainers more -- GMN, website, etc. amd64 arch team and big bug list -------------------------------- Proposed by armin76 (raul) kingtaco (mike) said it's hard to keep people interested in keywording. Anyone interested has had permission to keyword and stabilize non-system packages since 2007.1 (see -core email from kingtaco with subject "AMD64 keywording"). Open floor ---------- A list of required attendees would be useful. dberkholz will start creating the agenda along with this list in advance of the meeting. Posting the agenda on a google calendar, along with other stuff, could help. flameeyes is starting to work with the PR team on this.