I know that draft quite well, I used as reference for writing Entropy,
our binary package manager which only uses {R,P}DEPEND and not DEPEND.
So here comes the issue, when *DEPEND are not declared properly
Entropy pulls in unneeded packaged.
What you are saying is something I am already aware of :) zmedico has
been really helpful :)

On 3/14/08, joshua jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hash: SHA1
>  Fabio Erculiani wrote:
> | Hi Joshua,
>  | I never had issues with my emails. So I don't really know what to
>  | answer you regarding to your issues :)
>  | SPLIT: Although I think it can be a suboptimal thing for us, I can
>  | understand your policy. Let me add that, to me, the biggest issue is
>  | about (R)DEPEND. Splitting packages and maintaining in an overlay it's
>  | not that hard.
>  |
>  |
>  |
> I personally have no desire to follow the redhat/debian/other binary
>  packaging systems which split up infinitesimally small packages. It
>  causes a lot more busywork in my opinion then any potential benefits
>  that it gains you.
>  As far as the depend issue you mentioned: Having both Rdepends and
>  Depends isn't as far as I'm aware part of any EAPI currently (Correct me
>  if I'm wrong people). Rdepends are needed for the builds so you will
>  often see either RDEPENDS=${DEPEND} or vice versa. If its not there then
>  its more of a matter of accounting then anything. I would think, and
>  correct me if I'm wrong again, that it would make sense that if you only
>  have RDEPENDS or DEPEND, then those same applications are required in
>  the runtime of the application. Does it need to be explicitly stated? So
>  far the three package manager that I'm aware of all manage this fine.
>  Those being portage, paludis, and pkgcore. If there are other package
>  managers out there that might have issues Its a perfect example of a
>  reason to be involved in the EAPI discussions to help define what is
>  needed and where.
>  So what I suggest to you is perhaps looking over the EAPI=0 draft
>  documentation and proposing some additions and or modifications that
>  benefit everyone (not just one person), as its designed to be a standard
>  for anyone who makes use of ebuilds and beyond.
>  Is the current form, but halcy0n is working on an updated version of it
>  for the next council meeting.
>  Version: GnuPG v2.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
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>  =BGqi
>  --
> mailing list

Fabio Erculiani
Information and Communication Technologies Consultant
Sabayon Linux Chief Architect
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