
Richard Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hope you're not referring to any of my arches because that's not
> > true :) In fact, if i did that, i wouldn't crash the alpha dev box
> > so often, right Tobias?
> I dunno - I just hit bug 211021 today while trying to clean out old
> bugs.  Already stable on one arch and not a word from the maintainer.

 As I was the one ccing arches, I should explain here...humpback has
not reacted on tor bugs for a long time, not even security ones.  So I
did bumps and minor fixes for some time now, including stabilisation
requests.  My only failure here was, that I did not add myself to
 My policy is to ask for stabilisation --> no reaction for one week
(if it is urgent), I call arches.

> While amd64 is a lot more mainstream than it used to be you can't just
> assume that upstream wouldn't have released something if it didn't
> work perfectly on amd64.

 Here you are right, and I must admit I sometimes only compile-test. I
test everything I can, for special hardware I ask around in the team,
but if there is no one I have no other choice.
> No disputing that there is a problem - we just want to be careful that
> the solution isn't worse than the problem...

 What we propose is proper testing and keywording by anyone
around...not just team members.


Christian Faulhammer, Gentoo Lisp project
<URL:http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/lisp/>, #gentoo-lisp on FreeNode


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