On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 6:26 PM, Richard Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I know that the amd64 team used to use the "STABLE" and "TESTED"
>  keywords to indicate that an AT felt it was ok to keyword stable or
>  ~arch respectively.  I guess that practice went away.  It doesn't work
>  so well on bugs with 5 archs CC'ed though.  Maybe we need STABLEAMD64,
>  STABLEX86, etc.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about. When I open a
stable/tested bug specifically for sparc, I use those keywords, but
like you said, that doesn't apply when the request hits multiple

>  As an AT I used to run queries all the time looking for bugs that
>  weren't keyworded STABLE/TESTED and which otherwise looked like they
>  needed AT attention.  I still check the corresponding developer query
>  for stuff keyworded STABLE/TESTED with amd64 CC'ed...
>  There are definitely some easy ways to improve things that don't require
>  code changes...

Some sort of front-end web app could be useful for the following:

1. Properly and consistently format user stable requests and AT/dev
responses for storage in bugzilla (and avoid dupes).
2. Provide pre-fabricated bugzilla queries (and relevant formatted
output) for common related AT/dev tasks.
3. Interface with packages.gentoo.org.
4. Provide at-your-fingertips cvs info, rdep info, open bugs, stable
requests for previous versions, gatt info, etc.

Aaron Mavrinac

PGP Public Key: http://www.mavrinac.com/pgp.asc
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