On Thu, 14 Feb 2008 16:52:57 +0300
Peter Volkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> May be we should punt them from the tree?

Can't until everyone's using a package manager with working env saving.

> inherit - I did not found ebuilds where it is used, but actually I do
> not know how it was used, so may be I overlooked something.

That's there for historical reasons.

> The check was done with the following script:
> find /usr/portage \( -name '*.ebuild' -o -name '*.eclass' \) \
> -exec awk "/inherit.*[[:blank:]]+${eclass}([[:blank:]]+.*|$+)/{print
> FILENAME }" \{\} \;

Careful with that... You're better off searching on the INHERITED
metadata key.

Ciaran McCreesh

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