Welcome to the third edition of the irregular metadata.xml check.

Noteworthy errors

herd without email: comm-fax
herd without email: dev-tools
herd without email: haskell
herd without email: common-lisp
herd without email: secure-tunneling
herd without email: ia64-kernel
herd without email: middle-east
herd without email: arm
herd without email: s390
herd without email: sh

net-misc/netcomics-cvs                  retired maintainer
net-wireless/gnome-bluetooth            retired maintainer
sys-devel/distcc-config                 retired maintainer
x11-plugins/gkrellm-countdown           retired maintainer

dev-util/crossvc                        <herd> empty

app-emulation/virtinst                  <herd> missing
dev-dotnet/dbus-glib-sharp              <herd> missing
dev-dotnet/dbus-sharp                   <herd> missing
dev-libs/dclog                          <herd> missing
dev-util/cmt                            <herd> missing
dev-util/osdt                           <herd> missing
mail-filter/dovecot-antispam            <herd> missing
mail-filter/dovecot-dspam               <herd> missing
media-libs/capseo                       <herd> missing
media-libs/libcaptury                   <herd> missing
media-video/captury                     <herd> missing
media-video/undvd                       <herd> missing
net-fs/wdfs                             <herd> missing
net-irc/mistbot                         <herd> missing
net-misc/goog-sitemapgen                <herd> missing
net-misc/ng-utils                       <herd> missing
net-misc/s3cmd                          <herd> missing
sys-auth/nsvs                           <herd> missing
sys-fs/encfs                            <herd> missing
sys-fs/flickrfs                         <herd> missing
sys-fs/fuse-python                      <herd> missing
sys-fs/python-fuse                      <herd> missing
sys-fs/zfs-fuse                         <herd> missing
sys-kernel/kerneloops                   <herd> missing

Here are the stats summarising the current state of metadata in the tree.


Total number of packages:                    12410

metadata.xml missing                             0
<herd> missing                                  24
<herd> empty                                     1
<herd> unknown                                   0
<herd>=no-herd                                1929

<maintainer> missing                          7287
<maintainer> retired                             4
<maintainer> is a herd                        1285
<maintainer> unknown                           256
<maintainer>=maintainer-needed                 556

Proxy maintainer without gentoo association     15
Unmaintained packages                          717

You will find the complete log at [1].
The script that generated above logfile can be found at [2].

As always, feedback is higly appreciated.
Warm regards

[1] Full metadata-check.log
[2] Metadata checking script.

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