On Sat, 2008-02-02 at 22:54 -0800, Alec Warner wrote:
> So it seems to me that we have tons of tools out there that people
> have writtten and we need to aggregrate and document them.
> I don't care necessarily how shitty they are, how old they are, what
> language they are in, or even who wrote them.  I care that they are
> open source or public domain; that they are useful etc...
> So reply with a URL pointing at your tool*.  Please don't attach your
> tool to the email as that would make our mail server sad.  If you need
> space; e-mail your tool to me (not the list) and I will host it
> somewhere.

The Haskell team wrote and use 'hackport', a tool for converting Haskell
Cabal packages into ebuilds:

emerge app-portage/hackport-darcs from the haskell overlay
or darcs get --partial http://haskell.org/~gentoo/hackport/


# gets the package list from the hackage server
hackport update

# add a new ebuild into the local overlay
hackport merge xmonad

Duncan Coutts : Gentoo Developer (Haskell team)

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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