Hi folks,

Just a heads up - I have done the digest removal now, and regenerated
every Manifest file. The manifest1_obsolete file is in place

I did NOT however implement the digest-* block, specifically so that I
can try and find what developers have subtree checkouts, and query them
about their usage patterns of said checkouts. If the files get
committed, I just remove them again, simple enough.

I'll repeat that, hopefully to get a better response, If you have a
subtree checkout of the gentoo-x86 repo (I am not interested in any of
the others), please email me offlist, I'd like to talk to you about

P.S. I think I killed CIA.vc, because it was working before I touched
37k files in the tree, and it broke soon after I started. They need to
scale better!

P.P.S. For disk saving, jokey's numbers are roughly 90Mb of raw data,
and 2Gb worth of inodes, so cvs up folks.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux Developer & Infra Guy
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