Ferris McCormick wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> This is random musing based based on perhaps my own problems.
>   I need a local color.file to see well what I have going on, and
> current xorg ignores that.  Thus, at every build, there is in
> oscolor.c a "constant" I must change from 1 to 0.
I don't understand why this is an issue for "every build"; surely a patched
ebuild in local overlay is trivial? It's only a quick sed -i line added.

> This is frustrating, especially since the fix is completely trivial
> on a USE or configure flag. As best as I can tell, xorg people have
> ignored my request, although it it is real.
> I am asking if anyone cares if one can give a local rgb file or not,
> or if I am stuck with "fixing" every update so that it will take mine
> so that I can see it.  Perhaps no one cares but me.  Well, so be it,
> but it slows down xorg-server testing (or upgrading) for me because I
> have to keep changing that file by hand.  I'm really tired of
> fixing this trivial thing by hand.
Fair enough for upgrades, it might be worth adding to the ebuild; I
certainly agree user control of rgb is worth having.

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