On Fri, 2008-01-11 at 17:06 +0200, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
> Hello,
> I believe that part of distribution function is to provide a simple
> and maintainable
> system to its users.
> If upstream is doing something wrong, we don't have to move the problem to
> our users to handle, but handle/solve the problem on behalf of our user base.

Understood, I just kinda wanted to see a band aid applied for the last
year to save users grief. After all I am a user of gnupg and seahorse,
and I suffered :). But seems things have progressed well so is likely
moot at this point. If there is even a need. Not to mention band aid,
likely would not have covered the entire wound :) Thanks for your

> g10 is one of the worse upstreams I have ever worked with... They keep 
> breaking
> their software, and uncooperative when it comes to bug reports

That alone fully justifies pushing the problem to getting those
downstream of them to update to gpg2, etc. Before it seemed like forcing
allot of downstream projects to adapt a bit ahead of schedule. Now the
entire mess is allot clearer.

Thanks for undertaking such a head ache app to maintain. Sorry for any
flack from a users perspective there. Just because we hold -dev titles
and status. Doesn't mean we develop/work with every program in tree.
Many we just use as our users do. So let us not forget that aspect :)

Anyway again, sorry for grief, thanks for your efforts. Good luck with
upstream, if you don't mind. I would like to steer clear of this, and
leave it to crypt herd peeps :)

FYI, compnerd added a default xinitrc.d script to seahorse in gnome
overlay. Per the upstream session integration docs. Eva/EvaSDK's
contributed xinitrc sript :) That should allow it to work out of the box
as before, and with gnupg-2 :) Testing it out on a new box, but do not
expect any problems.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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