> Ferris McCormick wrote: 
> As always, I'd like a status report on Code of Conduct, with 
> three questions  in mind:
> 1)  Do we have an implementation schedule? 
It is already being enforced by a variety of teams as they find it
> 2)  Have we identified some warm bodies for it?
Good question but need to clarify what those bodies will be doing before we
can really go soliciting for them.
> 3)  Most devrel requests seem really to relate to CoC 
> violations.  Would you like us to bounce those to the CoC 
> people, process them using CoC rules, or keep doing what we 
> are doing now (generally, close them with a note explaining 
> why or mediate them)?  (I'm talking about the "He's being 
> rude/sarcastic/disrespectful" sorts of things which really 
> need to be processed immediately and merit a warning or brief 
> suspension if
> anything.)
My understanding, based off a conversation with Council member dberkholz,
was that 'bodies' would be needed to enforce CoC on #gentoo-dev and the
gentoo-dev ML. As for enforcing it elsewhere, that would be up to the teams
who already do just that and new teams would not be needed for that. This
would include forum moderators, channels with specific purpose (i.e.
#gentoo-infra would be moderated by infra), and DevRel and UserRel would
continue to enforce CoC violations elsewhere and as escalated.
I can only speak for the DevRel group and say that there is no reason to
change that with regards to us. The other teams seem to be doing fine in
their areas as well, so I don't see a reason to make any further changes,
just add some people for the two areas that we'd like more moderation.

Kind regards,
Christina Fullam
Gentoo Developer Relations Lead | Gentoo Public Relations 

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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