Santiago M. Mola wrote: > On Jan 3, 2008 11:40 AM, Roy Marples <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> On Thu, 2008-01-03 at 10:18 +0000, Richard Brown wrote: >> > While this thread remains highly entertaining, I'm sure as a past >> > gentoo developer Roy remembers that we don't generally use gentoo-dev >> > to bug fix poorly written makefiles, we have a bugzilla where people >> > interested in fixing it can help, or perhaps upstream have a list >> > where they can discuss it. Perhaps you could have directed your comment to both Aron and Roy, since Aron posted the bugreport and is I believe a current dev, not an ex-dev who just got married etc.
>> >> You'll not hear from me again on this list. >> > > I'm sure most people here want to hear major announcements about OpenRC. > I rather value Roy's input on all Gentoo issues: he was one of the smartest and most productive devs you ever had. After all, if other ex-devs can spam the list, I don't see why Roy's quiet contribution should be snubbed. Please follow up to project; for some reason when I set that, no-one argumentative takes the hint. Instead the more mature devs basically apologise on your behalf (and one troll occasionally weighs in.) -- mailing list