On Wednesday 02 January 2008, Roy Marples wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-01-02 at 16:39 +0200, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
> > On 1/1/08, Roy Marples <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > It took me some time to find /etc/conf.d/modules, but it's certainly
> > > > useful :).
> > >
> > > It also means all config files, with the exceptions of fstab and
> > > rc.conf are in conf.d and not some random dir :)
> >
> > Took me a while too... Some ChangeLog documentation should be available.
> >
> > Also I think this is a regression:
> > # update-modules
> > /sbin/update-modules: line 118: KV_to_int: command not found
> > /sbin/update-modules: line 118: KV_to_int: command not found
> > /sbin/update-modules: line 263: is_older_than: command not found
> Those functions were removed from functions.sh as only update-modules
> still uses them. udev does use KV_to_int though. I don't really want to
> add those functions back. Although we could trivially add is_older_than
> as a C applet built into rc.

while is_older_than is negotiable, removing KV_* is not.  those are pretty 
tight utility functions which duplication in $random-packages will only lead 
to problems (especially considering the history of making sure they were 
coded right).  they've weathered quite a long time and should be pretty much 
unchanged, so there is no good reason to omit them.  there is no overhead of 
having them available and maintaining them.

if you want a cleaner interface for is_older_than, then we could hammer that 
out, but if it's just a pass through to a C applet, then leaving it alone 
makes sense.

> > I also notice that the timezone of clock is gone, any alternative?
> > Also the network dependency of stopping/starting services when network
> > is unavailable/available is gone, any alternative?
> The timezone was variable was just a hack for the timezone ebuild to
> update /etc/localtime if it's not a symlink. I'm striving to remove all
> "Gentooisms" from it so that it really is platform neutral.

you view the purpose of TIMEZONE incorrectly.  it was a central script 
parasable location to store the system timezone.  every distribution out 
there does it somehow.  the way for OpenRC to do it is set the variable 
in /etc/conf.d/clock.  the fact that currently the timezone ebuild is the 
only one using it is irrelevant.

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