On Tue, Jan 01, 2008 at 10:21:35PM +0100, Wolfgang Illmeyer wrote:
> I haven't found out how to make basket run correctly (needs gpg1 in gpgme for 
> caching gpg passphrase), because both basket and kmail use gpgme and I 
> haven't found out how to use both versions of gpg simultaneously with gpgme. 
> I guess this problem could already be solved, if somebody actually cared to 
> slot gpg2.
gpgme is completely unable to support both versions at the same time.
It takes the path to GnuPG when the libray is compiled, and defaults to
I'm interested as to how Debian and other distros resolved the issue.
Debian for example only provides gpgme using gnupg-1.

To restate it more clearly from your paragraph above:
kmail  DEPENDS on gpgme built-with gnupg-2
psi    DEPENDS on gpgme built-with gnupg-1
basket DEPENDS on gpgme built-with gnupg-1

The best course of action here is fixing PSI and Basket to work properly
with GnuPG2.

The PSI issue was being tracked in bug 183075, but the users stopped
providing information, and it worked from what alonbl could determine.
I see it's open as bug 197588 again, hopefully we get enough user
interaction to actually solve it now.

I don't find any bug for Basket, could you please open one with your
information about the problems you are having?

Also, could you confirm that you are indeed running the agent before any
of the above stuff is started?

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux Developer & Infra Guy
GnuPG FP   : 11AC BA4F 4778 E3F6 E4ED  F38E B27B 944E 3488 4E85

Attachment: pgp7Ypb34YutZ.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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