On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 08:27:39 +0000 (UTC)
Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem right now is that while you are correct, that's the
> official list, due to technical/political issues, the Gentoo-official
> PMS repo doesn't (or didn't as of the last council meeting, according
> to the log) have any EAPI-1 info at all, as it's currently outdated,
> with the work all going into the off-Gentoo repo.

No no. The 'Gentoo-official' repo doesn't have any EAPI-1 info at all
because whoever's supposed to have set up the 'Gentoo-official' repo
hasn't bothered to tell any of the people doing the committing a) where
the repo is or how to commit to it, b) what the technical reasons for
moving away from the current repo are or c) who all has root on the box
upon which the repo is hosted. Even if any of the PMS contributors
*wanted* to commit to an official Gentoo repository, they couldn't
because neither the Council nor whoever did the setting up have
bothered to tell them about it.

> (Apparently, there aren't any official Gentoo devs working on PMS
> ATM. =8^(  Did I mention political issues in addition to technical
> ones?)

So far as I'm aware, spb is still technically an official Gentoo

Ciaran McCreesh

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