Potential candidates (flag-name, count):
server                        12
subversion                    10
latex                         9
suid                          8
atm                           7
zeroconf                      7
logrotate                     7
gimp                          7
cgi                           7
custom-cflags                 7
wavpack                       7
timidity                      6
branding                      6
java5                         6
v4l2                          6
multislot                     6
webdav                        6
vnc                           6
audacious                     6
demo                          6
music                         5
fax                           5
raw                           5
gsm                           5
novideo                       5
xemacs                        5
editor                        5
keyring                       5
networkmanager                5
oci8-instant-client           5
html                          5
css                           5
enscript                      5
gnuplot                       5
xcb                           5
lzo                           5
nfs                           5
jingle                        5
hddtemp                       5
rss                           5
cxx                           5
cvs                           5
http                          5
taglib                        5

subversion: Enable subversion support

latex: Adds support for LaTeX (typesetting package)
[this one is questionable, as this flag has different meanings/effects
- but is one of the tetex-flag replacements]

suid: Enable seduid root program, with potential security risks

atm: Enable Asynchronous Transfer Mode protocol support

zeroconf: Support for DNS Service Discovery (DNS-SD)

gimp: Build a plugin for the GIMP

cgi: Add CGI script support

custom-cflags: Use CFLAGS from /etc/make.conf rather than the default
        package CFLAGS (not supported)

wavpack: Add support for wavpack

timidity: Build with Timidity++ (MIDI sequencer) support

branding: Enable Gentoo specific branding
[questionable, as used for splashes/shortcuts/artwork]

v4l2: Enable video4linux2 support

vnc: Enable vnc support

raw: Add support for raw image formats

xemacs: Add support for XEmacs

keyring: Enable gnome-keyring support for storing passwords

networkmanager: Enable networkmanager support

oci8-instant-client: Use dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic as Oracle
        provider instead of requiring a full Oracle server install

enscript: Add enscript support to colourize code stored in the

gnuplot: Enable gnuplot support

xcb: Support the X C-language Binding, a replacement for Xlib

lzo: Enables support for lzo compression

jingle: Enables voice calls for jabber

hddtemp: Enable monitoring of hdd temperature (app-admin/hddtemp)

rss: Enables support for RSS feeds

taglib: Enable tagging support with taglib

Comments are welcome.


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