Since it doesn't appear the question was answered by the last thread. I'm starting a new thread.
<Cardoe> did we decide where EAPI goes in an ebuild? <zmedico> yes, just above the inherit <zmedico> that's the safest and simplest thing to do, anyway <Cardoe> zmedico: what if I have EAPI=2 above the inherit but an eclass has EAPI=1 <zmedico> then the eclass would override the EAPI <zmedico> which probably isn't what you want <zmedico> are there any eclasses defining EAPI now? I hope not. :) * lavajoe has quit ("Leaving") <Cardoe> I'm not sure <zlin> not in gentoo-x86 <Cardoe> but I think it would be something that would happen in the future <Cardoe> if an eclass uses features that require a specific EAPI <Cardoe> wouldn't it make sense to list that in there? <zlin> the kde4 eclasses in the kde4-experimental overlay set eapi=1. <zmedico> it's fine to do that, it's just too early to do that on lots of eclasses in the main tree, because EAPI=1 is too new <zmedico> we don't even have stages with EAPI=1 aware portage in them released yet <zlin> it probably shouldn't ever be done in an existing eclass. <Cardoe> I think putting EAPI above inherit is bad <Cardoe> because you're relying on the ebuild author to audit all the eclass code to know which EAPI version is required <Cardoe> for all the code <zmedico> same thing if you put it below, no? <Cardoe> no <Cardoe> because the eclass code should get executed at EAPI=1 <Cardoe> while the ebuild could get executed at EAPI=2 <zmedico> well, people can hash this stuff out over time <zmedico> there's no rush <zmedico> with >=portage-2.1.4 we can make incompatible changes to eclasses :) <Cardoe> ok but you see what I'm saying? <Cardoe> it should go *AFTER* inherit <zmedico> to me, mixing code intended for multiple EAPIs is messy <zmedico> it's conceivable to have 2 different EAPIs where it's not even possible <Cardoe> While it might be messy, I can guarantee it will happen. <Cardoe> eutils might go to eapi=2 and some ebuild might need eapi=3, but eutils isn't ported to eapi=3 yet. <Cardoe> If you allow our developers to do it, it will happen. <Cardoe> Plain and simple. Unless repoman blocks this. <zmedico> we'll have some rules <Cardoe> Ok. Let's establish them. <Cardoe> releasing features and saying "eh.. we'll figure it out as we go" won't work <Cardoe> because you're gonna find people are going to stick stuff all over the place from the get go unless there are formal rules now <zmedico> 1) don't do anything stupid without discussing it with the community first ;) <Cardoe> well, we tried to talk about it on the mailing list but didn't get a solid answer. <Cardoe> I'm starting a new thread, and including this convo. <Cardoe> that's a too lose rule, people break that on a daily basis in the tree. <Cardoe> Let's address the issue now, rather then having a broken tree 3 months from now that will require 500 commits to fix. <Cardoe> I'll just send this to the ML now. discuss. -- Doug Klima Gentoo Developer -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list