> Specification
> =============
> ``scm`` is a special suffix. It can be used on its own, but also in any other
> valid version spec, just before the place where revision would go. And just 
> like
> revision it can be used only once in a version spec, e.g.:
>   *  ``cat/pkg-1.0_alpha0-scm``
>   *  ``cat/pkg-1.0_alpha-scm``
>   *  ``cat/pkg-1.0-scm-r3``
>   *  ``cat/pkg-1-scm``
>   *  ``cat/pkg-1-scm-r2``
>   *  ``cat/pkg-scm``
> These package atoms are sorted in ascending order (see `Version Comparison`_).

What is the point of using version information along the scm suffix?
From the logical POV, scm is a special decorator saying "this is a
special tarball that can change in time and we don't know its version
when parsing ebuild, we'd have to ask the repository". Surely I can
think of uses for *revision* specification (as in "revision of the
ebuild"), but why to support full version for scm packages?


cd /local/pub && more beer > /dev/mouth

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