[ I'm answering diego's mail here because I didn't get a copy of it
through gentoo-dev, I guess the list missed me or my spam filter killed
it ]

On Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 07:10:40AM -0800, Alec Warner wrote:
> On 11/26/07, Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > CCing council so that the other members can express their feeling about 
> > this;
> > basically the only people I actually care about getting the feeling about
> > this at all.

So you do not care about the rest of the dev community... great.

> > Oh wait, everybody who contacted _me_ thinks it's a great idea, or nearly
> > everybody. The difference is that people who contacted me did so in the 
> > blog,
> > so you can read the comments at [1]. Yes I know they don't really count 
> > much,
> > but counts more of your "everybody who contacted me/us" to me, considering  
> > I
> > see only Antarus agreeing with you.

Your proposal is no better just because people agree with you. Moreover,
it doesn't even address some of the concerns that were raised when it
was first brought up. *Brillant*.

> > On the proper matter, whether a GLEP is needed or not, well, I already said
> > before I think the GLEP process is totally broken, and I don't think that
> > waiting for months to get the GLEP approved would help users at all. For 
> > what
> > it's worth, there is already a GLEP on metadata extension, GLEP 5.. yes 
> > FIVE.
> > Status: deferred.
> >
> > I think a markup change is not a problem of GLEPs, I don't think a lot of
> > stuff that gone into GLEP process should have, and should just have been
> > realised.

This means that anobody who thinks that the 'put your favourite rule
here' rule is broken is hereby allowed to break it. Right?

> > And as for Alec's "20 minutes" comment, I would like to remind him that we
> > have a lot of people getting obnoxious when you make even a spelling 
> > mistake,
> > so for a non-native English speaker like I am, the 20 minutes figure is
> > totally wrong. And this is also my reason not to write GLEPs ever in my 
> > life,
> > I don't want to spend two weeks just to get the spelling right. That's a
> > waste of my time, and as I'm not devoting my whole life to Gentoo, it ends 
> > up
> > hurting users again.

And not caring about the whole development and user community by
bypassing its rules hurts all of us even more.

> > At any rate, if you have any comment regarding the way some dev act, I'd
> > suggest you, mostly for good life of both you and the dev involved, to ask
> > him BEFORE crapping on him in public. The announcement thing you referred 
> > to,
> > as Doug explained, was just a time problem, and as we're all volunteer, I
> > don't think Doug was forced to find the time to fix the stuff.

You are the only one that crapped yourself in public with this
completely uncalled for response.

You acted without asking the community so if people raise concerns about
how you acted, just face it. Don't play the "contact me before saying I
fucked up in public" thing.

- ferdy

Fernando J. Pereda Garcimartín
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