On Fri, 09 Nov 2007 18:41:38 +0100
"Marijn Schouten (hkBst)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Use case one: package is completely unversioned upstream.
> Have src_fetch add a version as appropriate to the downloaded/mirrored
> version. This will work as change of upstream sources will be
> detected by all the checksums we do.

You're confusing multiple problems here. src_fetch *won't* work for
checksums. If we're talking merely badly named tarballs, a better
solution is SRC_URI arrow support.

> Use case two: package is incompatibly versioned.
> smlnj for example releases unversioned files in a versioned
> directory. There is currently no way to mirror that in distfiles as
> there is nowhere that I could specify that I want files to go to a
> separate directory.

Again, SRC_URI arrow support is a much better solution.

> Right. These use cases are really a bonus. Having src_fetch that we
> can redefine is simply the right thing and I can't believe it doesn't
> exist already.
> Consider this my vote for an EAPI 2 which adds user-redefinable
> src_fetch ASAP.

src_fetch is necessary, yes, but it shouldn't be used in the cases you
describe. Arrows solve the same problem, don't break mirroring (if
implemented correctly) and don't break checksumming.

Ciaran McCreesh

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