On Monday 05 November 2007, Roy Marples wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-11-05 at 14:21 +0100, Michael Haubenwallner wrote:
> > > Actually you missed the mark completely.
> > > Nothing in the tree itself specifies what shell to use - instead it's
> > > the package manager. So the PM on Gentoo/Linux/FreeBSD *could*
> > > be /bin/sh and on the systems where /bin/sh is not possible to change
> > > to a POSIX compliant shell then it can still use /bin/bash or wherever
> > > it's installed.
> >
> > So "have the installed scripts to not require bash" is another topic ?
> No, it's a valid topic.

he didnt say it was invalid, just a different topic

> Either the profile could hook src_unpack or the ebuild could call a
> function to do this
> sed -e '1 s,^#!/bin/sh,#!/path/to/bash,'

fix the packages i say

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