On 10/8/07, Natanael Copa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-10-07 at 21:26 -0600, Joe Peterson wrote:
> > Mike Frysinger wrote:
> > > Fabian has summed it up nicely, thanks.  i could care less what your 
> > > userland
> > > is outside of the ebuild environment since it doesnt matter to ebuild
> > > writers.  you want a deficient runtime environment, more power to you, but
> > > forcing that environment onto ebuild developers is not acceptable.  off 
> > > the
> > > top of my head, i'd like to see GNU find/xargs added to the ebuild
> > > environment.
> > > -mike
> >
> > Mike, exactly as I said.  That's option #2, and I think it could be a
> > great solution.  As for deficient, well, that's in the eye of the
> > beholder.  ;)
> >
> >                                               -Joe
> Question, if you go for #2. Does that mean you will need all the
> required GNU userland to do binary only installs?
> It would be highly desireable to be able to do binary installs (write
> your own binary only package manager) without depending on all the GNU
> stuff needed to compile the packages.

Your own binary only package manager would still need to provide
Option #2; ie you need to have GNU tools installed to process the
binary packages.  pkg_* functions could still have GNU stuff in them
and those still get run during a binary package install.

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