On Friday 07 September 2007, Davide Italiano wrote:
> Are/were there some people involved in that project?
> It could be useful and pretty to (re)activate this project, considering
> that also gentoo-guis project is active (the two projects are actually
> related). I've some ideas about, I'll write it after you'll tell me (if you
> want) why the project's dead and if we(or you) can indeed (re)activate it.
> and finally, are there people that want to work in that project in future?

There certainly were some people involved. I was involved on the sidelines as 
I didn't have time to do more at that time already. I think it basically died 
out because it tried to do things that were quite ambitious and as such had a 
strong timeline. And that with very few people involved. The only thing that 
came out of the project (and, to be fair, other projects too) was the 
installer that basically joined forces with other installer people and went 
it's own way.


Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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