On Mon, 03 Sep 2007 04:53:00 -0400
Luis Francisco Araujo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
> A group of our developers and i have felt the need of working around a
> new goal inside Gentoo: Graphical User Interfaces (GUI).
> Though Gentoo has been considered a very command line interface
> oriented system; we believe there is always room for new 'ways' of
> doing things in this distribution that helps our users to have a
> better Gentoo experience.
> Our main idea is to develop and collect all the necessary applications
> to offer GUI's (keeping Gentoo flexibility) for most of our system
> tasks, offering an alternative for those users who like these kind of
> interfaces.
> So we have started the Gentoo-GUI's project to work around the goal of
> making Gentoo more 'GUIzed' :-)
> Please visit the site http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/guis/ for further
> information. Note that we are just in the early stage of the project
> right now, but anybody is welcome to participate on what we currently
> have so far.

You should rename 'himerge' to YAPG (yet another portage GUI). Is there
a particular reason why you couldn't reuse one of the already
established ones (kuroo, porthole, portato, ...)?

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