On Fri, 2007-08-24 at 00:33 +0200, Natanael Copa wrote:
> I mentioned to the vserver list that i was interested to convert the
> scripts to POSIX. First he said that he was not against it until he
> realized he could no longer use arrays.
> http://www.paul.sladen.org/vserver/archives/200708/0025.html
> Does anyone have any suggestion to do dynamic variables cleanly without
> using arrays?

Well, you can still use arrays provided that /bin/sh is still bash. Of course, 
this does mean Linux only systems and also rules out embedded.

net.lo ships with this function

# Credit to David Leverton for this function which handily maps a bash
# array structure to positional parameters so existing configs work :)
# We'll deprecate arrays at some point though.
_get_array() {
    if [ -n "${BASH}" ] ; then
        case "$(declare -p "$1" 2>/dev/null)" in
            "declare -a "*)
                echo "set -- \"[EMAIL PROTECTED]""

    echo "eval set -- \"\$$1\""

Which means you can then do this
eval "$(_get_array "config_${IFVAR}")"

With IFVAR as eth0 that will convert the bash array config_eth0 to positional 
Here's how both can now be defined. The former is bash only, the latter is all 

config_eth0=( "" " netmask" )
config_eth0="'' ' netmask'"

If you pay attention to the quoting, you'll have no issues.


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