Here's the policy I wrote for -dev-announce. As mentioned elsewhere, the
automatic copy-to-dev isn't yet working so people need to send to both
lists. Reply-To is currently forced to -dev, but that may change as per
Chris's thread "New lists and their usage."

Useful input appreciated.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [gentoo-dev-announce] New gentoo-dev-announce list
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 11:55:53 -0700
From: Donnie Berkholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

gentoo-dev-announce is now open. The goal of this list is to make it
easy to follow changes that may be pertinent to Gentoo contributors.
This is intended to be a LOW-TRAFFIC announce-only list of development
topics, so we hope subscribers won't feel the need to filter it away
from their Inbox.

Acceptable Types of Announcements
- Policy or process changes that affect developers.
- Infrastructure changes that affect developers.
- Tools changes that affect developers.
- Schedule changes

Unacceptable Types of Announcements
- Package removal or addition. This should go on a general -announce
list because it affects all users.
- Discussion
- Anything else not mentioned above

Some List Details
- gentoo-dev-announce is OPTIONAL for project contributors, although
highly recommended.
- In the future we may auto-subscribe new developers to this list.
They may choose to unsubscribe themselves thereafter.
- All announcements here will also be delivered to gentoo-dev. So if
you follow gentoo-dev religiously you don't need to subscribe to
- Replies on gentoo-dev-announce go to gentoo-dev. gentoo-dev-announce
is a moderated list.


P.S. -- Description borrowed from fedora-devel-announce

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