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Duncan wrote:
> According to the bug on -project (which I was CCed to), both it and dev-
> announce have been created.
> New developers are announcements.  The primary announcement should 
> therefore go to dev-announce, x-posted to dev, with followups going to 
> -project, since the followups are neither announcements nor dev-technical 
> and thus don't belong on either dev-announce or dev.
> Similarly here, the additions-removals initial post should go on dev-
> announce (x-posted to dev, of course, as anything there should be, so 
> those that choose to can read only dev), with replies sent to dev.  
> Additions-removals doesn't get many replies, but last-rites mails are in 
> the same category and do.  Replies to last-rites are dev material.
> ...
> That's my take on it, anyway.

[crossposting to -project to facilitate moving this thread over]

As usual, good ideas.  One thing I'd say is that just because everything
isn't 100% figured it there is no reason not to start using the new
lists.  And we can all try to be patient if somebody posts to the wrong
lists while things are being worked out.  I'm sure practices will evolve
as makes sense.

Let's hope this initiative works out well!  If the need for moderation
is mooted I think everybody will be happy!
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