On Tue, Jul 17, 2007 at 12:28:09AM -0700, Robin H. Johnson wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 17, 2007 at 10:04:55AM +0300, Petteri R??ty wrote:
> > I have seen no real opposition for the creation of the -project mailing
> > list and even this ML changes thread itself involved the creation of the
> > -project mailing (the thread itself is a prime example on why we need
> > -project in the first place) so how about we just get that mailing list
> > going right no and let the rest of it fall into place later. My guess is
> > that if we would have had -project for ages, the need for moderating
> > -dev would have never come about. I bet there are devs who have talked
> > about creating this kind of a list months, even years ago. This time
> > it's not about show me the code but show me the mailing list!
> Speaking strictly in an infra role here, and not a council role at all.
> If there is no opposition (because I suspect I might have missed it in
> the length of the previous thread) to the _creation_ of -project by Jul
> 18th 00h00 UTC, I'll create it.

The list is created now.

Along with other pending list requests that infra had.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux Developer & Council Member
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