On Sat, 14 Jul 2007 23:54:44 -0400, "Daniel Drake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I do like the "gentoo-politics" idea that came up a few weeks ago, which 
> was to move politics off gentoo-dev and to another list, but I'd view it 
> from another perspective (and avoid the words 'politics'): make 
> gentoo-dev for development topics only, and have another list for the 
> rest. But, I suspect we'd come back to the same problem on both lists, 
> where some people are too keen to talk and deviate too far away from 
> technical discussion.

On IRC, when a conversation wanders offtopic, one of the ops just nudges
the participants and says "hey, you should move your conversation to
#gentoo-foo" (or "##foo" or whatever).  Wouldn't it be easy enough for
someone to do that here?  It'd be pretty easy to specify what's on- and
off-topic for each list, and it would be friendlier than moderation,
just like it's friendlier for IRC ops to ask you nicely to switch
channels than to simply kick you out.

--Thomas Tuttle
Thomas Tuttle - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.ttuttle.net/

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