Christina Fullam wrote:
> I think everyone is overlooking the part included previously:
> "An additional method discussed was to have all non-dev emails on a
> timeout, pick a number of hours, and then the email if not moderated
> would be released. (non-dev sends his email, time period expires and no
> one booted it, so the email rolls through)"
> This means that non-dev emails will still be sent to the list, just at a
> delay. This same delay can and will be exercised against developers
> if the developer demonstrates a justification for it.
> This also means that non-dev input will be accepted and viewed as it
> always has, the only change is that there is a delay.

Then what, exactly, is the damned point?  The problem this is supposedly
intended to solve is that -dev is too high-volume.  This solution
requires people to actually put MORE effort into reading -dev than they
previously did.  No one is going to actually do any monitoring, so all
you've done is made posts from non-dev accounts time delayed.  Why?

dirtyepic                 salesman said this vacuum's guaranteed
 gentoo org          it could suck an ancient virus from the sea
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