On Tue, Jul 10, 2007 at 07:10:35PM +0200, Dominique Michel wrote:
> > > Can you explain more. If the kernel can be tivoized by someone
> > 
> > I'm sorry, but "tivoized" is not a verb.  Please explain what you mean
> > by this.
> I mean if someone distribute a kernel with a licence that forbid to remove the
> functions he added even if we don't want them (as example drm at the kernel
> level as in Vista),

But that's impossible with the current Linux kernel license, so how
could that ever happen?  Why even try to discuss an impossiblity?

> > > , who will use this kernel? How can this affect the software xyz that
> > > have a v3 licence?
> > 
> > I do not understand the question, can you reprase it?
> > 
> who will use this kernel when we can get a vanilla kernel and plenty of
> patches and do whatever we want to do with them?

As creating such a kernel is not possible with the current Linux kernel,
again, I don't see how anyone could even use it.

> Will this affect the licencing or the distribution of the software xyz?

The license of the Linux kernel has no affect on the license or
distribution of any sofware that runs on top of it, so I do not see how
it would matter.


greg k-h
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