Hi! On Mon, 09 Jul 2007, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-07-07 at 12:56 +1200, Kent Fredric wrote: > > I /believe/ when you close a bug a notification is sent anyway > > irregardless of whether or not you add a comment, but i might be wrong > > here. > > > > I myself think dev's should be thanked for their good work and would > > like to continue doing so :) > > > > ( something has to be done to compensate for the amount of crap i bet > > dev's get, recognition occasionally IMO should help them feel loved > > and want to stay here at gentoo :) ) > > Personally, I tend to get annoyed by any messages sent after the > "RESOLVED-FIXED" is done. I do appreciate thanks from users, but a > direct email to the developer in question is much nicer than a bug > comment. For one, it only goes to the intended audience. Second, for > those of us that do most of their bug sorting via email, it doesn't give > us a post-resolution email for a bug we've already completed. Again, it > is just a personal preference, but sending a direct email seems to have > the least possibility of bothering anyone and gives you the ability to > thank the hard worker directly. First off: my experience comes from small OSS projects and a rather large inhouse TT system at work. The latter does not interact with external customers, just corp-internal stuff. I see it this way: I wouldn't close the bug before there is positive feedback[0]. If the user wants to thank me, he can (and probably will) do so with the positive feedback. After that, closing the bug is just that. YMMV, of course. Regards, Tobias [0] unless there's a certain amount of awkward silence[1] [1] which in the case of the corp TT will show up in *our* quarterly review and in very extreme cases will show up in his, too. -- In the future, everyone will be anonymous for 15 minutes. -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list