On Tue, Jun 12, 2007 at 11:40:26AM +0200, cilly wrote:
>  In my opinion, ebuilds are removed too soon, i.e. if an ebuild gets
>  updated the older ebuild gets removed in the same turn. In my
>  opinion, it is better to keep the older ebuild around for a while
>  since if there are some bugs in the newer ebuild, users are able to
>  downgrade easily.
>  My suggestion is to set up a guidline similar like it exists for
>  marking the ebuilds as stable (4 weeks).
>  Probably, a time period for removing ebuilds would be nice to have, I
>  think 2 weeks would be reasonable if there aren't any known bugs of
>  the newer ebuild.  Of course, if the newer ebuild has bugs, which do
>  not exist in the older ebuild the older ebuild should still be kept
>  to let the user be able to choose, which version they want.
>  What do you think?

I think that setting arbitrary guidelines that try to rule every
situation is just *plain* wrong.

Some of the packages I maintain are better removed when a new
maintenance version is released. And I plan to keep it that way :)

As usual, deep known of the package you are removing and common sense is
way better than guidelines 'to rule them all'.

- ferdy

Fernando J. Pereda Garcimartín
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