On Sat, Apr 21, 2007 at 08:47:54AM +0100, Kevin F. Quinn wrote:
> I do the same.  The '$Header: $' tells me which version of a file in the
> CVS tree I last synced to in my overlay, then I can just do a cvs diff
> on the tree to get a patch of differences since then.  Very useful.

FWIW, I've used the $Header $ to determine if a person is looking at the latest
greatest or needs to synch up first (in particular when I was dealing with an
eclass bug). Very useful when dealing with bugs and you need to confirm that the
user is completely synch'd up and looking at a current tree or not (because just
asking when the last time they synch'd doesn't help).



Michael Cummings   |    #gentoo-dev, #gentoo-perl
Gentoo Perl Dev    |    on irc.freenode.net 
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