Steev Klimaszewski wrote: [Tue Apr 17 2007, 08:58:59AM CDT]
> Bryan Østergaard wrote:
> <snip>
> >On the contrary we warn people about not behaving badly and if that
> >doesn't help despite many warnings and complaints being filed we finally
> >take to firmer action which is exactly what have happened in this case.
> <snip>
> >Regards,
> >Bryan Østergaard
> Sorry, I am going to have to call bullshit.  The only part of that 
> statement that is remotely true is the last line of that paragraph.

This sort of e-mail isn't particularly helpful.  In essence, you've 
baldly called somebody a liar in public, while providing no evidence
to support your allegation.  You might get better results if you at
least pretend that you might not have all of the relevant facts (even
if you're sure that you do) and ask for clarification based on what you
think you know.  Here's an example: "That last paragraph doesn't seem to
agree with what I've observed, where ....  Could you explain where the
discrepancy arises?"  

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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