On Tue, 2007-04-17 at 07:43 +0200, Luca Barbato wrote:
> Jakub Moc wrote:
> > So....  Since devrel has been so kind and suspended me, based on our
> > brand new CoC, I don't feel any need to stay on this project any more.
> > I'm therefore resigning from this project.
> While there are situations in which you are right about complaining, the
> form of some of your complaints isn't exactly nice many times. The 2
> weeks pause probably had been meant to just have you think about this issue.
> > I'm pretty sure it will be actually no loss for Gentoo, since those
> > folks that contributed to my retirement far outweigh the benefit I
> > could ever possibly be to this project.
> Nobody is perfect, complaints about conduct can be issued in a simpler
> and saner way...
> Since I consider your work precious I'd like to see you back after those
> 2 weeks. Please try to think about how to improve instead on how unfair
> this treatment had been.

Luca is exactly right here.  The suspension is meant to be a cooling off
period, not a message that says "please resign".  So please, both for
yourself and for Gentoo, reconsider your resignation and use the two
weeks to cool off, relax, or whatever.  I believe your work is most
important, and I'd hate to lose it over this rather small matter.

If you wish, please contact me privately.  I'll discuss anything you
> lu
> -- 
> Luca Barbato
> Gentoo/linux Gentoo/PPC
> http://dev.gentoo.org/~lu_zero
Ferris McCormick (P44646, MI) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Developer, Gentoo Linux (Devrel, Sparc)

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