On Friday 13 April 2007, Ciaran McCreesh wrote: > Joshua Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Erm, no I have not at all (speaking as a project lead for x86). Test > > is not viable for a lot of reason as being on by default. One that I > > can come up with off the top of my head is php. The test suite for it > > makes test inadvisable on any desktop system, I'd say the same for a > > server as well. Not to mention that a lot of upstream test functions > > are in fact themselves broken because they require dependencies that > > are not required for the application itself. This is not a simple > > case of downstream (being gentoo) doing this. There has to be quite a > > bit changed for test to be viable and even then I don't think it > > really is unfortunately due to test packages that can take 12+ hours > > on a decently equipped modern system. > > If a test suite isn't viable, the ebuild should be RESTRICTing test > anyway.
which doesnt apply here ... some packages have ridiculous awesome coverage for their source code and take much longer to run than even compile the package care to force mysql test suites on everyone ? php ? gcc ? binutils ? -mike
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