Ciaran McCreesh napsal(a):
> You're missing the point.
> As of a year or so ago, dosym will succeed even if the dosym target
> directory doesn't exist, and even if it means creating arbitrary
> directories. Some other utilities, such as dohard for example, will
> fail under otherwise identical circumstances.
> There is nothing in dosym's name that suggests that it will create a
> directory as well as a symlink -- it is not like, for example, dobin or
> dosbin in this respect, both of which clearly are allowed to create a
> well defined, non-variable path.

Err, your suggestion was:

* Remove automatic directory making for do*

So, yeah I really fail to see the point of doing stuff like this:

-dobin foo
+dodir /usr/bin
+dobin foo


-exeinto /usr/share/${PN}/scripts
-doexe scripts/*
+exeinto /usr/share/${PN}/scripts
+dodir /usr/share/${PN}/scripts
+doexe scripts/*

all over the tree.

> If anyone really *is* relying upon dosym to create a directory, rather
> than having it happen by accident, adding in a dodir beforehand when
> switching EAPIs is easy, and will prevent accidental directory creation.

And who will wade through the entire tree and check for such stuff? You?

>> If the Makefiles suck, file bugs upstream instead of dumping the stuff
>> on Gentoo users.
> It's not the users that will see this. It's developers. The only time
> it will fail for users and not developers is when something's broken
> anyway, and that's far better than ending up with a broken install.

Well of course it's the users who will see it, see above. It's not like
that we would have 100 volunteers around to drop everything they have in
their hands a go spend days on changing ebuilds that are not broken just
because of this idea.

Best regards,

 Jakub Moc
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