> So, fellow devs, what's new with development? For those interested, genlop
> has
> migrated into gentoo as a project with the permission of upstream, which
> no
> longer maintain it. Um...any new tools or projects people are working on?
> Anyone?

My current projects include:

block_sync glep: really..I'm still working on it..it's almost done, this will
enable developers to block the cvs->rsync sync to repair major tree
damage.  hopefully end of the month for this.

Project Leads Glep: This is a new idea, mostly making tiny bits of work
for project leads so we can get an idea of what is going on within Gentoo.
 Still in the 'soliciting initial feedback' phase.  I'm also working on
the app needed to support this idea (writing it in ruby for now).

LDAP Improvements: Slowly working on learning ruby-activeLDAP and using it
to punt perl_ldap because I think perl_ldap sucks.  Once the newer shinier
app is written I plan on writing up some training for it.  This is for the
overall move of data into ldap which is then used to generate things like
userinfo.xml and other web-based data.  One place for updates folks..

Gentoolkit: I just ported the new portage namespace to these tools and
fixed a few bugs.  Sadly I also wrote a broken patch to echangelog that
got the newest rev of gentoolkit masked.  Fixing echangelog is on my list
of things to do.  If you are better than me at perl (probably true for
many of you) I could use some help here ;)

Portage Unit Tests and /etc/portage:
These are on the backburner for now but there are nice OO based classes
for /etc/portage config files; this means if you were so inclined you
could store that data in a db and write classes to read from the db
instead of from files.  This functionality is not yet enabled in trunk as
I have no idea how to bolt it on to portage.config yet; but I'm working on

The /etc/portage config rewrite is to enable me to test large classes like
portage.config that read from tons of files (reading from files is
generally a cardinal sin in unit testing).

The testing of course is to enable the portage team to make changes and
not break stuff.  Most of the new features I've been working on are driven
using Test Driven Development (TDD) and involve gutting old n busted
functions; replacing with new ones.  Still need more tests though.

Ugh, and I thought I was trying to do less...

Oh Summer of Code...reviewed nearly all of the apps.  Voting is on Sunday?


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