
I'm currently the maintainer of libchipcard.
There are three slots of libchipcard in the tree at the moment. I think 
there's nothing in the tree any more that deps on 1, so that is about to be 
removed soon.
Now, I wanted to ask if there are any issues that would prevent us from 
getting rid of libchipcard2 also. From what I know, the only stuff dep-ing on 
libchipcard is the aqbanking-stuff (and with that gnucash, qbankmanager and 
libchipcard3 contains some api-breakage, but that should be fixed by a simple 
revdep-rebuild. If there are no issues with it (especially gnucash-users, 
please test and report bugs, I don't use gnucash), I'd request stable-marking 
of libchipcard 3.0.2 soon and remove all 1+2-stuff.

Hanno Böck              Blog:   http://www.hboeck.de/
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