On Friday 30 March 2007, Seemant Kulleen wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-03-30 at 20:42 +0200, Matthias Langer wrote:
> > i don't think that personal issues should be taken into account when it
> > comes to choosing a new official package manager for gentoo.
> It's relevant in that people have to work with the developers of the
> package manager.  Unlike most other things in the portage tree, the
> package manager ties very closely to the very definition of the
> distribution itself.  Hence, if people are unable to get along, then by
> adopting a package manager like that, you inherently adopt the
> developers of that package manager and all the personnel issues that
> accompany it.
> Ideally, however, I agree with you that it should be based on technical
> merits. The reality is that there are people involved.  And people
> always complicate things.

thanks seemant, preciously how i'd have put it if i could :)

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