Le Thu, 15 Mar 2007 00:06:28 +0100,
Alexandre Buisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> Hi all,
> I've been voicing my concern repeatedly on irc, and I believe that it
> would probably be more effective here.
> I believe that the solution of adopting a Code of Conduct, especially in
> this rushed way, will ultimately hurt us, and that the disadvantages far
> outweight the benefits. 

> one is right or wrong. As has been repeatedly pointed in many occasions,
> the written media and the differences of languages and cultures make it
> very difficult to understand the tone of messages and can generate very
> different reactions.

As user, I can confirm this. I was living a few years in another country as
mine, and cultural differences are a reality of our world. It can be 100% normal
to say something in one country when in a neighbour country, the same sentence
will be taken as an affront.

So, be cool. And maybe more important, respect each other. Respect is the only
cure against all kind of racism. We are not living i a perfect world and so are
we: unperfect. As said a Canadian poet: "Human beings have a problem: they don't
like each other, but they don't like solitude either."

So, if you feel at someone is showing some kind of disrespect, just ignore him
or her.

Otherwise, Georges idea to redirect the flame wars to another list sound very


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