070314 Marius Mauch wrote: > Why does this have to be rushed so quickly? > Just to "fight" the bad PR caused by the distrowatch article?
As a user for 3.5 years & an observer who has read this thread, but started deleting the original abusive thread as soon as it got going, I'ld say Council has handled the matter correctly & that there's no need for further action on this occasion. The incident involved two men, one of whom was not a dev at all, the other very recently returned as a dev after a long absence & apparently had no notion of the major changes which have happened meanwhile (I am aware of his original role in Gentoo & of his abortive job at Microsoft). Except for basically telling both of them to stop their fight, no-one among the regular hard-working Gentoo devs was involved in it. The prodigal has left again, presumably for good, & everyone else can carry on as they were before his re-appearance. The matter was correctly summed up in 2 lines in last week's GWN & 5 words in LWN (I don't subscribe, so haven't read the full report). As for Distrowatch, I was shocked at its ignorance & ranting hostility: whoever wrote it has a personal axe of some sort to grind & was setting out to try to make a lot more of the incident that it deserved (he started by saying CM is a Gentoo dev, which he is not). No-one should be influenced by it, except as a black mark against Distrowatch. Council does need to be firm in dealing with the occasional disruptive person, but in the two recent cases it has been firm enough without being brutal. Its members deserve thanks & support. It's time everyone returned to what they were doing a month ago. BTW proctors are the 2 ancient officials at Oxford U whose responsibility is to keep order among the student population: they are Senior & Junior and are elected (OU is a democracy, like Gentoo) from among the faculty. They were usually to be seen only on Guy Fawkes night when I was there 1960-71 (any Gentooer with more recent knowledge can update this). -- ========================,,============================================ SUPPORT ___________//___, Philip Webb : [EMAIL PROTECTED] ELECTRIC /] [] [] [] [] []| Centre for Urban & Community Studies TRANSIT `-O----------O---' University of Toronto -- gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list