On Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 03:11:02PM +0100, Thomas R?sner wrote:
> Yes and no. The same applies to Postgres, and still they provide the 
> libs in an extra package. It just makes sense, how much of that 20M 
> mysql tarball is used by the client? It's like you'd have to dl apache 
> (four times) to get wget.
Of the mysql tarball (23Mb to start), a full 40% belongs to the
testcases and the documentation that they ship. Another 8% for the
modified copy of BerkDB that they ship, and only then do we start
getting really useful things. 12% for the things unique to the server,
and thereafter everything else is common or client-only.

So yes, there is cruft in the tarball, but it's not where you think it
is. I'd be quite happy if they split the tests, docs and now-redundant
berkdb (upstream is not supporting it in newer versions AFAIK) into
another tarball - it would be almost half the size, but have
near-identical build time.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux Developer
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