Bryan Østergaard <kloeri <at>> writes:

> On Sun, Mar 04, 2007 at 11:16:47PM +0100, Jakub Moc wrote:
> > Alexander Færøy napsal(a):
> > >On Sun, Mar 04, 2007 at 09:51:34PM +0000, Stuart Herbert wrote:
> > >>What do you plan on doing next with your time?
> > >
> > >How cute, but please take this in private and not in the list. Honestly,
> > >we do not care...
> > 
> > I certainly do care - more than I could ever care about all the 
> > 'valuable input' provided so kindly here by ciaranm, which is so 
> > valuable that it has cost us two developers in two days.
> > 
> Jakub, please stop. While I'm sure many of us (myself included) is
> interested in what Daniel is going to do in the future a development
> list isn't the place.
> Instead, I'm looking forward to reading about it on Daniels blog (Yeah,
> I'm assuming he's going to blog about it).
> Regards,
> Bryan Østergaard
Bryan, instead of always addressing the symptoms by asking people to kindly be
quiet or move things elsewhere, why don't you do something more substantive
about what ails Gentoo developers?

You're head of Developer Relations. That makes you partly responsible for
allowing what should only be minor differences of opinion between developers
(and ex-developers and users) to balloon out of control until the atmosphere
around Gentoo becomes so unpleasant some developers decide it's better to quit
than try to stick around and solve problems. Face it, every time that happens
you've failed to do your job.

By trying to silence parties involved in a disagreement you only force their
differences to manifest in less desirble ways. And when that happens, things
tend to get really ugly and it inevitably reflects back on Gentoo.

Also, brushing things over to private email and private blogs is not always the
answer because the issues behind these disagreements often involve (and just as
importantly, affect) more than 2 people. Just because Daniel Robbins might now
be taking things over to his private blog doesn't mean you no longer have to
deal with the issues he attempted to have a public discussion about.

Gentoo should provide an official venue where developers (and ex-developers and
users) can talk out their disagreements, and under a few plainly spelled-out and
easily enforceable guidelines designed to keep the discourse somewhat civil.

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