Mike Frysinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> On Saturday 03 March 2007, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> > There is absolutely nothing Paludis specific in PMS. Nor is there
> > anything Pkgcore specific, and the only Portage specific content is
> > where we feel it's necessary to explain *why* something is a
> > particular way when that why is down to a Portage quirk.
> that's fine ... that means we're back to figuring out the deadlines for
> the project

perhaps - instead of talking deadlines, a more cooperative approach could 
be taken. How about the people involved report on the progress of PMS (at 
the council meeting)?

(what would happen if a deadline is not upheld anyhow?)

I really think PMS is important to Gentoo and i don't like scaring people 
off by putting unwarrented pressure on them.

> -mike

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