Mike Doty wrote:
> Marius Mauch wrote:
>> While Diego did an awesome job with converting many packages to
>> Manifest2 there are still about 400 packages that aren't converted
>> yet. If you maintain any package in the attached list please update it
>> to use Manifest2.
>> To update a package make sure that you're using portage-2.1.2-r9 or
>> later, run `ebuild foo.ebuild manifest` (doesn't matter which version
>> you pick for that command) and commit it.
>> Updated versions of the list will be available at
>> dev.gentoo.org/~genone/reports/mf2
>> Marius
> Are people using old versions of portage?  when flameeyes worked on
> this, he did all but *4*(not 4%) so I'm wondering how it creeped back up.

According to viewcvs for example gnustep-libs/artresources has not been
touched in 10 months so I guess the script Diego used to find unported
things did not find everything:


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