On Fri, 09 Feb 2007 14:16:25 +0000
David Leverton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Would something like the following be acceptable?  If the user uses
> bash they can use an array, otherwise (or if they prefer) they can do
> the "'...' '...'" thing, transparently to the code that uses the
> variable. Could do with more testing of edge cases, but it seems to
> work well for me - in bash as is, and in dash and busybox with the
> "foo" section commented out.
> get_array() {
>      local var="${1}"
>      if [ -n "${BASH}" ]; then
>          declaration="$( declare -p "${var}" )"
>          case "${declaration}" in
>              "declare -a"*)
>                  echo "set -- \"[EMAIL PROTECTED]""
>                  return
>          esac
>      fi
>      echo "eval set -- \"\${${var}}\""
> }

Very nice. We need to redirect 2>/dev/null for declare -p incase the
variable is not defined, but otherwise it works well in my tests too :)


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